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What is Onero™?
Onero™ is a high intensity resistance and impact exercise program to strengthen bone and muscle. The program is especially designed for people with low bone mass.
Onero™ must be supervised by an accredited ONERO™ practitioner (physiotherapist or exercise physiologist) to ensure it is delivered safely.

Onero™ Background
Onero™ is an evidence–based exercise program developed from the LIFTMOR study, conducted at Griffith University under the supervision of Professor Belinda Beck, and recently published in the Journal of Bone Mineral Research (2018). Since 2015, Onero™ has been implemented at The Bone Clinic in six south-east Queensland locations.
Like the LIFTMOR findings, ongoing data collection at The Bone Clinic sites indicates that Onero™ increases bone mass, improves posture and decreases falls in clinic patients. Results show that 86% of patients increased bone mass at the lumbar spine and 69% of patients increased bone mass at the hip (graphs below). Those results were recently presented at the annual scientific meeting of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research in Montreal (2018).

86% of clients increased lumbar spine bone mineral density

69% of clients increased femoral neck (hip) bone mineral density
How different is Onero™ to what
I’m currently doing?
Not all exercise improves bone mass.
Low intensity exercise is not considered to be an effective strategy to build bone. Onero™ is based on the LIFTMOR study which has shown that certain kinds of high intensity loading can be both safe and effective even for people with low bone mass if supervised under the right conditions.
Injuries, which can be a concern in the frail older population, are rare from Onero™ training when properly supervised.
This does not mean other types of exercise are not beneficial for muscle and bone health. Many forms of exercise will provide subtle benefits for your bones. The difference is that the higher intensity Onero™ exercises appear to be more effective, based on findings from the LIFTMOR study, when compared to other forms or intensities of exercise.
Professor Beck says
“When it comes to our bones the research tells us not all exercise is equal. In fact, exercise that is targeted, supervised and focuses on resistance and impact training is best.”

How can I start Onero™?
First, you must locate an accredited Onero practitioner (see map below).
The safety of Onero™ depends on an initial assessment of your current health status by an accredited Onero™ practitioner. This initial assessment is mandatory. The assessment of your current health status will facilitate the adaptation of Onero™ training by your accredited Onero™ practitioner in its initial stages so you will be able to participate and minimise any risk of injury or exacerbation of existing conditions.
After the initial assessment, you can commence Onero™ training with your accredited Onero™ practitioner who will provide close supervision as you continue to train with them.
After 12 months of monitored Onero™ training, your accredited Onero™ practitioner will perform a review assessment in order to determine if you have had any changes in your balance, posture and other functional outcomes related to your risk of fracture.
To operate the map: Click on an area where you live to see where you can exercise for osteoporosis
What if there is no Onero™ accredited practitioner near me?
The Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) position statement
The ESSA position statement on exercise for osteoporosis provides detailed examples of exercises that may improve bone health. The recommendations were designed to be available to all, and be implemented by any individual or exercise practitioner. The ESSA exercise recommendations are helpful, but may be less effective than supervised, targeted and higher intensity exercises.
Home Based Exercises - Onero Online
There is also an online home exercise program available. It is a two-year progressive exercise program that targets muscle strength, mobility, balance and bone health, designed to help people avoid falls that cause fracture. For approximately $5 a week, you can learn how to improve balance, prevent falls and learn correct bone-loading techniques.
General Exercise Tips
If the above options are still not helpful to you then it is recommended that you strive to engage in weight-bearing and resistance exercises to the best of your ability, taking care to stay within your limitations. If you have a diagnosis of osteoporosis, supervised exercise with an exercise professional is recommended.
Talk to your doctor
The Onero ™ program can assist with your osteoporosis or osteopenia but it is recommended you consult with your doctor about your condition to understand all the options available to you.
What is the benefit of training with an
accredited Onero practitioner?

While we all know exercise is good for you, people often underestimate the difference between one type of exercise and another, and the risks some exercises can pose for people with certain conditions. Having low bone mass places you at increased risk of fracture.
For this reason bone-specific exercises must be implemented correctly and supervised to reduce risk of injury. Research shows us that higher intensity exercises can help your bone health, but this type of training must take into consideration your individual requirements and be supervised by someone qualified to do so.
An accredited Onero™ practitioner will know how to correctly:
Assess your current health including any pre-existing injuries or conditions;
Report your baseline assessment results and yearly results to you and your GP;
Deliver the Onero™ program; and
Know when to progress, regress or maintain your program.
Why is Healthy Bones Australia
aligned with Onero™?
Healthy Bones Australia has aligned with Onero™ which is an evidence-based, accredited exercise program for delivery by physiotherapists and accredited exercise physiologists. The program was developed in Australia and is based on Australian research.
Onero™ proudly supporting Healthy Bones Australia.