
$150 + GST
per month
Check out our product comparison table
We understand purchasing a Licence to deliver the Onero programme may be a significant investment for your business. The following table illustrates the considerable value for money of the Onero pricing structure in comparison with other online exercise products.
What everyone gets:
Onero Academy
Full access to Onero Academy course.
Directory Listing
Your business details listed so consumers can find you.
Contribute to research
Full access to our methods to assess and record client outcomes.
Coaches manual
A 30-page PDF coaches manual describing all the exercises and how to coach them in the osteoporotic demographic.
Certificate of Completion
Plus 6 CPD points from ESSA.
Professor Belinda Beck
Pre-recorded seminar on Bone Fundamentals.
6 ready made Onero templates
Saving you hours in exercise programming.
Assessment manual
A 15 page PDF outlining and describing all the functional assessments and how to perform them in the osteoporotic demographic.
Marketing materials
Brochures and logos to be used for clients to download and take to GP.
Different length classes
How to retain time-poor clients.
We have assembled a group of experienced, energetic and motivated people that can help you.
Our top 11 co-morbidities
The top 11 co-morbidities you need to know about to help you prepare for these challenging clients.
Generic web-page
An easy to implement HTML page explaining Onero on your web-site plus links to Osteoporosis Australia. Comes with instructional video.
Case-studies and Research
VIP licensees have access to two links to The Bone Clinic's case-studies and research page so potential clients can digest the research and read about the positive results.
Equipment starter kit
The how, why, what and where on equipment and layout of room.
6 monthly webinars
Presented by The Bone Clinic directors.
Frequently Asked Questions
- General
- features
- Licence
All fees are exclusive of GST unless otherwise indicated.
GST does not apply to international licensees
Licence Cost (Australia)
The Licence can be paid up front or in instalments of 12 x $150 over 12 months.
Coach 1: $1800 up front or $150/m for 12 m
Coach 2: $1620 up front or $135/m for 12 m
Coach 3: $1524 up front or $127/m for 12 m
Replacement coach if a coach leaves within a month of licensing: $650 up front or additional
$55/m for 12 m
After 12 months, the $150/month Licence maintenance fee begins and continues in
perpetuity for the life of the Licence.
The monthly maintenance fee is payable for each location that ONERO is delivered. There is
a 12-month waiver of the monthly licence maintenance fee for Site 1 but each other site
begins the monthly maintenance fee immediately.
If a business offers ONERO in more than one location and different coaches are used at
each location, they will be considered standalone licensed sites in terms of billing. If a
business offers ONERO in more than one location and all the same individuals coach at
each location, the $150 site monthly maintenance fee per site begins immediately, but no
additional coach license fees will be charged.
Licence Cost (International Sites)
The Licence must be paid in full upfront.
Coach 1: USD$1800
Coach 2: USD$1300
Coach 3 and all additional coaches: USD$700 ea
Replacement coach if a coach leaves within a month of licensing: USD$700
After 12 months, the USD$150/month Licence maintenance fee begins and continues in
perpetuity for the life of the Licence.
The monthly maintenance fee is payable for each location that ONERO is delivered. There is
a 12-month waiver of the monthly licence maintenance fee for Site 1 but each other site
begins the monthly maintenance fee immediately.
If a business offers ONERO in more than one location and different coaches are used at
each location, they will be considered standalone licensed sites in terms of billing. If a
business offers ONERO in more than one location and all the same individuals coach at
each location, the USD$150 site monthly maintenance fee per site begins immediately, but
no additional coach license fees will be charged.
You can cancel at any time after the full 12-month Licence fee +GST has been paid (either
up front or at 12 months). There is no cancellation fee. If you cease paying the monthly
subscription you will no longer hold a valid ONERO Licence and can no longer run ONERO
classes, per the Terms and Conditions of the Licence. Your locator tag will be removed from
the ONERO map and your location will be removed from the Healthy Bones Australia
website. Access to the ONERO Academy and support will cease.
The course will pay for itself many times over. An increased client base for your business
justifies the cost of the Licence well beyond the benefits of the program. A Cost Benefit
Analysis spreadsheet illustrating the worse vs best case scenario is available on request.
How do I train additional coaches?
You don’t. ONERO is NOT a train the trainer course. The only way to add a licenced
ONERO coach to your business is for that person to complete the ONERO Academy training
and receive a certificate of completion. You must contact Belinda who will determine
eligibility and grant access to the ONERO Academy training site as applicable.